With ZONG dial tunes you get the chance to Say it all even before you pick up your callers phones. When your friends call you they no longer have to hear that boring old ‘dial-tone' Instead, they can groove to the hottest new tracks on the music scene!
Do It YourselfDial 230 & select “record your own dial tune” & assign it to friends & let them hear what you have to say. One-Key PressWhile listening to a on-net customers dial tune press * and it will be purchased & set as default tune. Incase an unsubscribed customer copies Dial tune he/she will be automatically activated to the Dial Tunes service and the dial tune will be copied to his account.
How to activate ZONG Dial Tunes Dial 230 to subscribe to ZONG Dial tunes Or SMS REG & sms it to 230
Where to purchase ZONG Dial Tunes
You can purchases your favorite dial tunes by dialing 230
SMS dial tune ID to 230. For dial tune ID details, refer to the Dial tune content brochure or visit the web site www.ZONG.com.pk
Through a Call- Dial 230
Download the Hi Tunes
Make personal album
Assign dial tune to a specific caller
Select dial tunes from different categories
Enable random play of dial tunes
Activate & deactivate the Hi Tune service
Manage Black List
Through the WebsiteCustomers can also visit ZONG dial tunes website at .w.w.wZONG.com.pk to select the dial tunes, modify their album and enable other interesting services.
Daily subscription fee Rs.1+Tax
Download Charges Rs.5/song
IVR Charges Rs.5/min+Tax
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