The What...CALL ME BACK SERVICE – Let others pay for your call!Being on the forefront of bringing utility through innovation, Telenor brings its valued customers yet another service that will make life simpler! If you are low on credit or want to save it for a rainy day, you can now have other people pay for your calls!
Telenor Call Me Back Service
If you want someone else to pay for your call:1: Dial *345# to receive a Menu
2: Reply to the Menu with 1 (Call Me Back)3: Enter Number of the person you want to send Call Back request to (any Telenor Prepaid/Postpaid Number)
4: An SMS Call Back Request is sent to the requested number
5: If the requested subscriber refuses to pay for your call, you will be notified via SMS6: if the requested subscriber agrees to Pay for your call, your phone will ring and call will be charged to the requested subscriber
If you want to answer a call back request:1: Reply with 1 (yes) to the Call Back request SMS2: Receive the call when phone rings
If you do not want to answer the call back request:1: Reply with 2 (No) to the Call Back request SMS2: The person who has requested you to pay for the call will be told that you do not want to answer the Call Back request.
The service is available for all Telenor prepaid and postpaid packages.
Subscribers do not need to have any balance to send a call back request.
Person paying for the call will be charged as per his/her package plan.
The service also works while you are on roaming.
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