ZunePhone possibly coming in June, takes on iPhone and Pre
12 May, 2009 Comments (45) Post your comment
Tags: Windows Mobile, Rumors
Microsoft has jumped on the Twitter bandwagon - the latest buzz-generator of choice - with an account for Office 2010 but two somewhat cryptic tweets suggest a new Zune product launch is just around the corner.
12 May, 2009 Comments (45) Post your comment
Tags: Windows Mobile, Rumors
Microsoft has jumped on the Twitter bandwagon - the latest buzz-generator of choice - with an account for Office 2010 but two somewhat cryptic tweets suggest a new Zune product launch is just around the corner.
They advise us to hold off on buying an iPhone 2009 or a Pre because June will be "an important month for Zune lovers." Seeing how they mention two quite popular phones, could this product be the ZunePhone? With Windows Mobile 6.5 launch imminent, a PocketPC with the new OS and a Zune software package doesn't seem too unlikely.
In related news, yesterday Windows Marketplace opened for developer registrations. According to the Marketplace FAQ, this means it should be open for application submissions soon. During the registration process, developers will be provided with documentation about distributing apps through Marketplace. Unfortunately, currently the registration seems restricted to US residents only.
So far, there's no indication that the Zune Marketplace will merge with Windows Marketplace but it seems a logical step if a ZunePhone is released.
Either way, with the Pre very, very likely coming in early June, not just Zune lovers, but all gadget lovers in general will have a ball next month. We know we would...
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